The Page is located at
with hosting provided by Corkscrew Consulting Group
The page is maintained by me, Keith W., aka Bucky,
Any questions or comments about how it is a great page or sucks can
come to me.
We currently have a IRC channel registered on DalNET servers and the
channel is #wnybbs
There are no real organized chats, just stop by and see if anyone is
There are a couple of different mailing lists available...
One is run by myself and is only an information type of thing meaning
I'll email you about any site changes and also you'll get the WNY BBS Newsletter
the instance it's released. It's also posted online but we email
it out also. If you'd like to be part of that email me at
and just ask to be subscribed.
Another list is a listserv run by Fletch from The Web BBS (
) .. It's not moderated and has just gotten started, email
and you'll be all set!
Any questions about either of these just email
and I'll help ya out.
No official newsgroup is associated with this page, you may want to
check out alt.bbs or alt.bbs.wwiv
if your into reading newsgroups and other stuff about Bulletin Boards.