BBS Listing current as of: 01/17/99
Total Number of BBSes Listed: 11

[software key]
w. wwiv      d. wildcat
r. renegade  m. maximus
c. cnet      j. worldgroup            
p. pc board                           

Name            [Software]    Number      Speed   Sysop Name
After Hours ..............[w]. 774.0167    28.8   Mort Noir
Airsep BBS ...............[d]. 691.0242    28.8   AndreviaHarper
             [node 2]......... 691.0243    28.8
             [node 3]......... 691.0244    28.8
             [node 4]......... 691.0270    28.8
Blue Moon ................[c]. 517.6600    56.6   Aunt Bea
Falcon's Nest ............[p]. 677.2528    33.6   Ed Niemczyk
             [node 2]......... 675.7059    14.4
Final Fantasy X ..........[w]. 633.3009    56.6   Drake
Information Society ......[w]. 822.1766    14.4   Dead Beat
MedTech*NET ..............[m]. 688.1552    33.6        ?
Raven ....................[r]. 834.2377    28.8   Midnight
Starpoint Tech Station ...[w]. 826.0416    14.4   Special Agent
Thought Crusade ..........[w]. 823-1830    ??.?   AntiX
The Web BBS...............[j]. 741.4765    33.6   Fletch


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