Chatting on the 'net

    One of the best features about the Internet is the ability to chat with anyone at anytime from anywhere around the world.  The only problem seems to with what program you are going to use to chat with friends, family, and strangers.  I have the most popular options listed here for you to check out and decide which one you seem to like the best.  Everyone has there favorites so decide for yourself if your going to try one of them or all of them...
What other BBSers Use on the Net and there handles, Screen Names, ICQ #'s Etc...


  America Online's Instant Messenger is probably one of the most popular because of it's one main feature.. You can chat with any of the 20 Million Subscribers they have.  If you are not on AOL already you can download the program and create your own "screen name" to use by which others will recognize you, the one problem as I'm sure you can imagine is that with so many subscribers alot of the "screen names" are taken.  For example, I use "bucky716" - of course a basic nickname isn't going to be available so I used 716 which refers to my area code.  Alot of other people will use something like "xxbuckyxx," if the name you want is taken try and be creative instead of using "bucky7634" which would be a random number AOL assignes you.  With this you can create a "Buddy List" and add other users to it and when they sign on they are listed and you can send them messages.  The one real downside to this program is that you cannot have "multi-user" chat meaning you have to have a separate little window open for every person you are chatting with.  Very easy to use and one of the most popular.
==List of BBSERS who use this==

  ICQ (I Seek You) is probably second most popular behind AOL with chatting over the Internet.  It is similar in that you can maintain a "Buddy List" except ICQ refers to it as a "Contact List."  With ICQ when you sign up you are assigned a UIN# and then from there you can setup any nickname you want!  If you meet someone first you'd give them your ICQ# and then once you put someone on your contact list you don't have to remember all of the #'s and who is who, they showup on your list with there nickname.  ICQ is better than AOL IM in many ways.. You can still send messages back and forth and you can do this online or offline.  You can create a chat room and invite as many people as ya want into it (people using ICQ that is).  If you want to send someone a file you can just click on there name and then "FILE" and send a file directly to them.  If you find a web site you can click on there name and send them the url of the web site.  It has many many more benefits than AOL IM.. most people today have decent computers with large hard drivers, if you are one of them I'd say just use both of these.  An icon will just sit in your system tray assuming your using Windows 95 and they don't take up much space at all.
==List of BBSERS who use this==

  IRC also known as Internet Relay Chat is different than both of the above.  With IRC you can still chat with just one person if you want to or you can join a chatroom that can have anywhere from 2 people to 1000 people in it.  If your looking to actually chat about various subjects and meet many different people than this is for you.  If you use Windows95 mIRC is probably the most popular program to use, if you have a Mac e-mail and he'll be able to help you out a little more as he is a Mac user.  IRC is great for chatting with numerous people at once in that you don't have to "sign up" or any of that stuff, it's only drawback is that the only thing you can do is just sit around and wait for someone to join your channel.  I've registered a channel title #wnybbs on DalNET which unfortunately hasn't been very popular since White Wizard passed away, he used to be a regular who you could always count on being there to chat with.  If your on the net and have this program just logon and goto the channel and stick around for a while.
Chat on the Web w/
Your Browser
  This is a Java Applet window that runs from within your web browser.. It takes a moment to load so be patient and check it out.  The only problem I've noticed is that it does NOT work at all if you behind a firewall.  If you know a way around this PLEASE email me and let me know!
    SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - For all of these you will need either an ISP or being using
AOL for Windows95.. If you have a Mac email and he can help ya out a
bit more.  Also for the Web Based Chat you will need IE or Netscape 3.x or higher.
If you have any problems feel free to email me at and I'd be more than
willing to help you out.
  These are probably the most popular chat options available over the Internet.  Everyone
has there personal favorite so check them all out, I usually use all three.  Below is lists on how
you can contact other BBSers online with the different programs...


BBS Handle AOL IM Name ICQ #
Bucky Bucky716 7695770
Bri-Guy / Beren Calmost Barahir n/a
Carol JaycieL n/a
Chainsaw n/a 1347142
Dizzy DizzySatan  
Deadbeat   188335
Godmother   8416813
Goofy Slaplin3  
Jiff xxJiffxx  
Jaguar Jaguar7410 -or- Rhonwoz  
K'mpec / Supernaut Kmpec59184 7696367
MartinX xxMartinxx  
Malaise   8037635
Moo Moo Milly16333  
Nemesis Rage42080  
Sacharin (sp) SaccharinK -or-  xSaccharin 7851425
Sarius Sarius3 3644026
Shedevil   8931873
Spell Jammer Spelly101  
Stealth OStealthOO  
Tigger / Diestrum   1456744
Tumbelweed Tumbletim  
Yesterday / Brandon V. bvogel414 6391934