On-Line Message Boards

CGI WWW Message Board - This is a free service offereed by Digital3 .  It has gotten some activity lately but not too much, stop by and post a message!

WNY BBS Virtual Bulletin Board - This is something that BuffNET has made.  I havn't really messed around with it that much.  What your going to need to do when ya first get there is to highlight the "WNY BBS Message Board" and put in your email address and sign on.  From there you will be emailed a password to login.  Once there I've made a couple of "discussion topics" you can choose to post to.  The last time I checked it had problems but if ya feel adventurous check it out.  It's not active but could be.  Let me know what ya think of it.

Those are the only two I have right now.. What I'd like to do is link to other Message Boards on other web pages for you to check out if your interested.  if ya know of one let me know!