My First BBSing event
By Brian Murphy, age 18, AKA Beren Camlost AKA Bri Guy
I had already been BBSing for some time when I attended my first 'nic, in fact I had been a active BBSer for about *6 years* before I actually got around to going to one of these things.
It was a weird enough event to be worth the wait.
OK, here's how it happened. I was a fairly active user on The Heat Wave (THW to us hip folks), and somebody, I forget who, mentioned a picnic coming up. I'd have to say it was the July '96 nic.. but it might have been August, I'm braindead about such things. Anyways, to make a long boring story short, Chann (Shiner) offered me a lift. Now, I knew Chann a few years back, my best friend was friends with her younger brother, and we had a sort of passing acquantince. THAT was what I needed if I was going to go to one of these things. A ride.
Well that, and knowing at least one person there would be nice.
I keep digressing, that's probably because it's 11am and I was up way too late last night. Must try to stay on task. :)
So, in the car (when Chan finnally gets her lazy butt over to my house, she's only a half hour or so late), is Red Scorpion (His real name is Fake Breast Person incidently), Chann, me, and I *think* Jiff, but I'm not sure. And I think their was a fifth person, but they never really left an impression on my, so their out of luck. :)
ANNNNYWAYS, I'm piled in the car like a human sardine. And, in what I take to be a fine BBSer tradition, we get lost.
For some reason we pass the Zoo. (the place, not the BBS knucklehead) After a few moments of cracking jokes about animal phalluses, we move on, and eventually arrive at the nic.
Well, actually we just cruised the park until we found Rebo's flag. (we didn't see the flag, but we saw a bunch of weirdo's prancing around) So we unload out of the car.
After about ten seconds, I wasn't really nervous anymore, I knew these people, I was comfortable around them, god knows why, the insane can probably detect their own kind. *shrug*
And so I Met The Faces Behind The Handles, Godmother, Nemesis, Tigger, Rebo, RS, and about a thousand other weird people.
I could probably go on all day about this event, but I'm sure somebody out there has it detailed, as it is, let me just list :
Tabby's Shoe Baseball; Me, Terry (Nemesis), and Jiffy singing "Bohemian Rhapsody"; Volleyball, Watching other people eat burger king; Tabby touched my leg (Dumb and dumber ref, but true. :) ); and of course, line dancing around Pigboy and This Imposing Person Whose Handle I Can't Remember; and of course, BriTV.
It was a hoot
by Bri Guy (email unknown at this time)