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White Wizard (Bill Dean) Memorial Site

Basic Info and News
Current BBS News
More info about Upcoming Events
About the Site

Local Dial up BBSes
Current BBS List
BBS Links
BBS Software
How to BBS

Index of BBSers
- Looking for an old BBSer?  Look here for info on someone.   Including ICQ #'s and AOL Screen Names

Archive Newsletters
Better looking site for this soon.

Message Boards
These are currently down.  I'm working on something I like a little better...

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    Anyone who has ever BBSed in Western New York must be somewhat familiar with events that have happened ever since BBSing started.  There have been events from Wing Dings, to Lasertron, 'Nics, Winterfests, Parties, Poker Games, and the list goes on... anyways, they have all served one purpose - to bring complete total strangers together and have fun and socialize in person.  You could call a BBS and chat for hours, post messages, email each other and yet not know what a person looked like - you just knew them by there personality - which in a sense, has given us all a common bond.  And you always dreaded your first event, you didn't know who anyone was, and you would walk up and have to say something to the effect of, "is this the BBS event?"  Everyone would nod and it would be like you were friends for years.

      The Tuesday night things USUALLY happen, but email
      bucky@wnybbs.com and we'll put ya on the list and you'll
      be notified a few days ahead of time.

November 24th at 8pm - Low Stakes Friendly Poker ??
- A few of us get together (usually) every other Tuesday at Brandon's apartment
and play genuine low stakes poker.
- Betting is nickels, dimes, quarters and noone ever loses more than $5
- Friendly game, meaning we screw up alot and laugh about it, no hard feelings.
- Chip in for beer or bring your own and we usually order pizza and wings from Avenue.
- Average game lasts till 1am.
- Email elijah16@buffnet.net to be notified of next game, remember, it's friendly so don't bring $50 and expect to spend that much.

November 27th at 8pm - Lasertron
- RSVP ASAP via Email to bucky@wnybbs.com
- This is one of those events that is for all ages and it's cheap.
- Cost is only going to be about $10, if that much.
- These always drew a crowd of between 20-30 people.
- The last event we had here, turned ugly.  Someone broke open
  a stink bomb, the person who did it confessed, yet they still kicked
  us all out.  <g>  It was a great time!
- Afterwards, we'll all head out somewhere to hang out.

December 1st at 8pm - Boiz Nite out at Sully's ??
- Another (usual) every other Tuesday gathering.
- Great food, Dollar beers and vodka drinks, converse with the guys.
- About 8 of us usually get together and talk about life, computers, politics, etc... Most of us work all days with computers and we get together and sound like a bunch of geeks.
- This along with the Poker Game, USUALLY happen, but email elijah16@buffnet.net and ask him to be put on the list to be notified of Tuesday night gatherings.

Coming Soon - A Possible Wing Ding ?

Got an idea for an event?  Let me know and we can help ya plan it!

Hosted and Designed by Corkscrew Consulting Group
E-mail bucky@wnybbs.com
Last Updated on 01.17.99